Friday, March 19, 2010

My First Photography Contest

Today, I entered two of my photographs in the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Photo Contest.  The contest is to promote their mission statement: "inspiring a thirst for discovery and a passion for the natural world."  The contest will be judged on creativity, technical skill, and interpretation of the theme.  The winners will be announced on March 26.

This is my first photography contest and I am so excited!  Two of my friends, Allen and Bea, entered the contest too and I'm so excited for them as well.  I'm not sure if this is their first competition but hopefully they'll stop by the blog and let us know in the comments.

My two submissions were titled Reflection of Nature and More Than Just a Decoy.  Both photos were taken in Santa Barbara.  Here's a smaller image of Reflection of Nature.

Reflection of Nature

If you entered the contest as well, good luck to you also.


  1. It's definitely our first contest. We plan on entering the Costco one in July. You should do that one too with us. :)

  2. I will enter that one too. Thanks for letting me know about it.


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