Friday, April 29, 2011


Day 119/365: The Pea Soup Brawl

I was out tonight and noticed a crowd of people gathered around in a circle. I went over to see what all the commotion was about and I found these two outside of Andersen's Pea Soup going at each other's throats. As a good citizen, I stopped the fight by asking them if I could photograph the brawl and surprisingly, they agreed. After I wrapped up, I asked them what the fight was all about and they said that they were fighting over who would get the last spoonful of the pea soup.

Thanks to my wonderful friends Allen & Bea for kicking butt (each other's) for my photo tonight and for such a wonderful evening!

I met up with them for dinner and to share pictures from our last few vacations and I ended up taking home groceries!  How does that happen you ask?  Well, when your friends take you to a grocery store where you can make your own peanut butter, make your own flour, and has a huge variety of sodas, you've got to grab a few to take home!

I do use my flash for this shot but I don't remember the settings.  I used my SB-600, bare, 70mm - I think.  I tried to apply a cinematic effect in post using this tutorial.

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